Yesterday's Ghost
4 years agoUnfortunately as a late backer not via Kickstarter I need to go rummage around for updates to see what is going on.
Can I assume correctly there have been delays or have items now shipped for Rivals? Eagerly anticipating the game's arrival to sink my teeth (wink) into playing this with friends & family.
3 years agoYes - looks like April atm
Yesterday's Ghost
3 years agoThanks Frost :)
I did receive this from Jondi;
"We are hoping that we can begin fulfillment around April. Thanks for asking. The games are at our factory in China. When they leave China, they will reach Australia sooner than they will reach the US, and so it is likely that we will begin fulfillment for Australia sooner. But until we are able to book a ship, I don't know the specific date for that yet."
3 years agoI watched an update video on Twitch about the Card Database website. And I saw a Fullfilment update on Kickstarter. I Pre-Ordered my game and I am hoping they will go out with or right after the backers games.
Any more information out there about the Pre-Order's fullfilment?
Yesterday's Ghost
3 years agoI'm in Australia and received mine a few days ago. Check who is doing fulfilment in your location and head to their Facebook page to see what is going on :)
3 years agoSounds like Pre-Orders are getting shipped also, Thank you Yesterday's Ghost.
Yesterday's Ghost
3 years agoNo problems :) I was a late backer after the campaign closed and looks like everyone who got an order in however it was made should be receiving over the next month or two.
It really is high quality and I'm really glad I went with all in. Now just to hope I can find some local players!
3 years agoThanks All, I have my order!
Yesterday's Ghost
3 years agoExcellent, Scorchest! The quality is amazing - I just want expansions now :D
3 years agohttps://www.facebook.com/hashtag/vampirerivalsexpansions?__gid__=845588826355160